Tunnel CMS

Tunnel CMS is the simplest markdown CMS. It parses markdown files and renders html in real time whenever necessary. However, not every request requires parsing, as Tunnel CMS builds the HTML files and store in cache. Until, the underlying content of the markdown files is changed, the cached HTML is served.

🛠️ Installation

Download the tunnel folder along with the .htaccess file from the Github directory https://github.com/ReactiveMatter/tunnelcms.

Place them in the root of your website, and run composer install in tunnel directory.

If you don’t want to use composer, download the latest release and place contents in the root of your website.

Tunnel CMS will render your markdown files dynamically, so that you can focus on writing.

💡Tip: You can rename tunnel folder to any name you like. Do make sure to change the .htaccess file accordingly to route all requests to that folder.

📝 YAML frontmatter

Tunnel CMS parses YAML front matter from the markdown files and serializes them in the $page variable. This can be used by the layout to display content.

Some useful page properties:

Property Description
layout Sets the layout for the file which will be used for rendering HTML.
tags Tags for the file

🖥️ Layout

The layout files from tunnel/layout folder are used to render html content. The layout can be set in YAML front matter in layout property. default.php is used when no layout is set.

All properties set in the config.php are available in layout files. All properties set in YAML front matter of the page being rendered are available in $page variable.

$page['title'] contains the title of the page. The title property can be set for the page title. If not set, the first heading in the markdown file is set as title.

$page['content'] contains the HTML obtained after parsing the page’s markdown content.

If a layout requires the list of all parsed files, the function get_all_pages() can be called to get and array of pages. Each element will have properties (YAML front matter) set for that page.

🏷️ Tags

Files can be assigned tags using the front matter property tags. In addition to this, Tunnel CMS assigns tags if hash tags are detected in the file (e.g. #tag1).

A line in file which contains only hash tags is removed while rendering.

📄 Content

Content can be written in Markdown. As Tunnel CMS is based on Parsedown, all formatting supported by Parsedown can be used.

For using internal markdown links (relative to site directory), prepend $ to the link. E.g. [blog]($/blog). The site directory is automatically prepended before the link.

💾 Cache

Tunnel CMS stores the rendered HTML files in tunnel/site folder with the directory structure same as the root folder. Whenever a file is requested for the first time, a build process in initiated. In the build process, front matter is processed, the HTML content is generated from markdown and saved as HTML files in tunnel/site. The file modified time (mtime) and the build time (btime) is entered into an SQLite database (tunnel/build.db). If the file modified time does not change, the files from tunnel/site are served on request. As and when the file modified time changes, the build process is again initiated.

The build process can be forced by supplying the ?build parameter in the request. No, value is required for this parameter. To build the entire site, ?buildsite parameter may be supplied.

It is suggested to build the entire site whenever any major changes are made to the content. Further, the building of site would be required if template files are changed.

💡Tip: The cached files can also be used as static site.

⚙️ Config

Config variables are stored in tunnel/config.php. They are site wide variables used for the build process, and can also be used by the templates.

Config variable Description
$site['title'] Site title
$site['ext'] The file extensions which will be parsed
$site['default']['layout'] The default layout for parsing. If set to page, tunnel/layout/page.php will be used.
$site['default']['title'] Default title. Will be used if not title is available in the file.
$site['build-drafts'] Whether to build files tagged as draft
$site['date-format'] The PHP date display format. To be used in layouts.

Custom variable can be defined in config file, which can be used in the layout files.

📜 Feed

If a feed generating file exists at tunnel/layout/feed.php, it will be called during the buildsite process. The code for generating feeds can be included in this file.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.